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Professor Cal Newport is a proud Millennial and a computer science professor who has never owned a social media account.  Yup. You read this right. Newport has his PhD in computer science from M.I.T and has deliberately eschewed Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. because his research shows it’s bad for your brain and your ability to do deep thinking.  In fact, Dr. Newport wrote a book on the topic called DEEP WORK.  He’s written four other books, including:  So Good They Can’t Ignore You which is a quote from something comedian Steve Martin once said and is about not giving or taking the advice to “follow your passion” because that’s bad advice.  Dr. Newport also writes a popular blog that he started back in his undergraduate days at Dartmouth called “STUDY HACKS”. His next book will be published in February 2019 and is entitled:  Digital Minimalism and is available for pre-order.  Make sure to tweet us @Time4Coffeellc to let us know what you think about Dr. Newport’s theories!


  •      What are study hacks you can use to crush your classes this year
  •      How is social media really affecting your brain
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  •      What should java junkies do when they graduate is they don’t feel passionate about a particular field or profession  
  •      How can they find the right fit that will lead to passion
  •      How can java junkies achieve greater focus in their studies and on the job

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