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Zac Willette is a board certified chaplain and founder and president of Allay Care, a nonprofit organization that guides people through both life and death experiences by helping them become more comfortable talking about and documenting end of life wishes and values. It is his belief that we are never too young or too healthy to get prepared for death, that death is part of life, and that death should be considered with dignity and beauty, similar to the way we view life. Prior to training as a healthcare chaplain, Zac took a fellowship to study hunger and nutrition in the US while working on a reservation in Arizona. He has a background in education and international work, he worked for the National Coalition for the Homeless and he later worked in two of Chicago’s most intense emergency rooms and trauma centers. Prior to starting Allay, he served as the head of spiritual care at Ascension, the nation’s largest faith-based, nonprofit health system. Zac has traveled to all seven continents and to all 50 states. He’s an award-winning storyteller with The Moth. He has used his many life experiences to carve out a new career category that changes our understanding of death and dying. If you’re someone who’s searching for ways to have a faith-based career, wants to learn how to become a chaplain, or are simply interested in work that doesn’t fit perfectly with your major, then this is the episode for you! Tune in to learn more about Zac’s life as a chaplain, an educator, a startup founder and president, and more.


  • If you want to listen to Zac’s entire Time4Coffee episode please check out T4C episode #209


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