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Devex founder and CEO, Raj Kumar, shares some quick nuggets of knowledge that can help you break into the world of international aid and social enterprises. Raj went from an ambitious undergrad student at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., to an even more driven grad student at the Harvard JFK School of Government, to dropping out of school to create his dream NGO: Devex, a social enterprise and media platform for the global development industry.  Devex aims to connect and inform development, health, humanitarian and sustainability professionals through news, business intelligence and funding & career opportunities in international development. He goes deep into his personal journey in T4C episode #64, but this shorter Espresso Shots episode is all about helping you get started with building your own career in this industry. If you’re in a rush today and don’t have time to check out the longer T4C episode #64 w/ Raj Kumar, check out these Espresso Shots! Press play and enjoy!


  • What are some key extracurricular activities that can enhance your college studies if you’re interested in policy and international affairs
  • What job positions Java Junkies should be looking for now and in the near future to get on the right track
  • Why your major in college doesn’t really matter if you want to get into this career track
  • Why you should try to go abroad to a developing country to get a feel for whether this field is really for you
  • Why graduate degrees are super important if you want to rise up the ranks in the international aid career path
  • What movies, both mainstream and less popular, shed some light on a career in international affairs (Hint: it involved the first black superhero)
  • Why you should listen to T4C Episode #64 about Raj Kumar’s current job and how he built his career

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