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Nathalie Molina-Niño is all at once a technologist, coder, entrepreneur, and storyteller. As the CEO of BRAVA Investments, she combines her skills to manage a portfolio which bank-roles startups on the condition that they disproportionately benefit women. The daughter of Latin American immigrants, Nathalia admits to being a Columbian who doesn’t drink coffee, but nonetheless energetically answers Time4Coffee’s rapid fire Espresso Shots questions that Java Junkies interested in breaking into the technology or start-up fields need to know. Nathalie shares how she ended up on the technology track, including how she dropped out of engineering school to pioneer her own start-up when she was 20 years ago, and returned to school years later to study Theatre. Press play for all that and more, on this surprisingly decaffeinated Espresso Shots career conversation!


  • How coding can actually move the dial in terms of social justice and politics
  • Where you should look to hack your skills and how scholarships and grants are out there for internships
  • What is the most important life skill that Nathalie looks for in the people she hires
  • Why a graduate degree might not be the most effective way to be on the cutting edge of the tech startup world
  • Why you should follow your strength and not your passion
  • What Java Junkie should consider when choosing what they will study if they want to break into this field
  • Why you need to be discerning about what career advice you take, and especially where that advice is coming from
  • Why you should watch the documentary Code: Debugging the Gender Gap in Tech
  • If you want to learn more about Nathalie’s current job, her career and her book: LEAPFROG: The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs listen to T4C episode #60

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