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Emily Fletcher is founder of Ziva and the creator of the Ziva Meditation Technique, which combines mindfulness, meditation and manifesting to promote high performance. A former showgirl on Broadway, Emily came to the practice of meditation when she realized that she’d achieved her dream of acting on Broadway, and yet she was miserable. She was experiencing extremely high levels of stress, and they showed on her body: she kept getting sick and injured, making it hard to perform; she even started going gray at 26; and she had chronic insomnia. It wasn’t until she began meditating that she was able to stop the harrowing effects this career-induced stress had had on her body. Ziva meditation was the first company to offer online meditation training. These days Emily is a new mom and an extremely successful CEO who leveled up her life thanks to just 20 minutes of meditation twice a day. Her new book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, is about the Ziva technique and its potential power to change human consciousness. The book came out in February 2019 and can be ordered here.


  • What is the difference between Mindfulness, Meditation & Manifesting
  • What is Ziva meditation
  • How long it will take you to clear out old stresses and anxieties from your nervous system
  • Why you should read Emily’s new book:  Stress Less, Accomplish More
  • Why you should take the online course which will change your life
  • To learn more about how Emily built Ziva and her career you can listen to T4C episode #58

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