Sharon Chang
Partner, Non-Scripted TV and Broadcasting
Vassar College
B.A., English
168: What a Talent Agent in Non-Scripted TV Does at William Morris Endeavor (WME) w/ Sharon Chang, Endeavor Talent Agency [Main T4C episode]
Sharon Chang is a Vice President and Talent Agent in the non-scripted television department at William Morris Endeavor (WME), a division of the Endeavor Talent Agency. Sharon landed her first job, equipped with a freshly minted English degree from Vassar College, at CBS Sports. She spent 12 years there building..
Career Path
Interview Highlights
“It’s an ongoing conversation … being a guide and advisor and helping to figure out how are we going to grow you as a brand, as a talent or as a production company.”
Best Career Advice
“There are no borders here. For me, to be able to think really big, not just in the context of being in this company, but just the context in life, that there are no borders you can build. And really try to strive for anything you set your mind on, and really be persistent about it to accomplish your goals that might seem unattainable.”
Career Challenge
Media Pitches, Negotiation, New Business Development
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