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Pete Ingram-Cauchi is the CEO of iD Tech, a summer computer camp that specializes in providing computer technology education in person and online to kids and children ages 7 through 18. There are iD Tech Camps at more than 150 U.S. college and university campuses focused on coding, game development, robotics, and creative skills.  Every summer iD Tech hires about 2,000 college students, and young professionals, to mentor and teach students. Programs include:  iD Tech Camps, iD Tech Mini, iD Programming Academy, iD Game Design & Development Academy, Alexa Cafe (an all-girl tech camp) and Tech Rocket (an e-learning platform). Pete, his sister Alexa and their mom launched iD Tech from their home in California over 20 years ago, growing it to become the world’s largest summer tech camp.  Pete graduated from the University of Washington with a B.B.A in International Business.


  • What are the types of jobs available on the job market and at iD Tech summer camps (4:05)
  • How to apply for a job at iD Tech summer camps (6:21)
  • Why Pete looks for professionalism, teamwork, examples of obstacles overcome and “no brilliant jerks” when hiring candidates (7:36)
  • What the year-round online platform of iD Tech camps is like and what’s it like to work for the platform (9:35)
  • Why Pete tells his students to get a well-rounded education (10:54)
  • How Pete got an “advanced degree” building iD Tech (13:00)
  • Why it’s important to do something that you’re passionate about (15:12)
  • How there’s a natural bridge between many people’s interests and coding (17:17)
  • How the iD Tech camp has created a place for students to shape the future (19:05)
  • How Pete shows leadership by doing tasks that he doesn’t enjoy (20:55)
  • How the CEO of Nike Sports Camps inspired Pete when he was young (22:14)
  • Why it’s important to invest in relationships with others (23:37)
  • Why Pete was so captivated by documentaries about Elon Musk and Bill Gates (24:54 )
  • Why the best way to learn is to immerse yourself in it (26:21)
  • If you want to learn more about what Pete does as the CEO of iD Tech and how he built his career listen to T4C episode #395

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