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Timothy Visos-Ely is a co-founder and chief product officer at Stride Tech Medical. Stride Tech is start-up medical equipment manufacturer that has developed a patented walker grip in order to track and help promote the safety of seniors using walkers. Prior to co-founding Stride Tech, Timothy was a design intern at EyeFlite, where he worked on early models of an augmented reality headset. During his college career, Timothy also worked as an application engineer intern. Timothy graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2019, where he majored in engineering plus with an emphasis in mechanical engineering and a concentration in engineering management. 


  • What is Stride Tech Medical and how do their product works (3:08)
  • What is the difference between an engineering plus degree and a typical engineering degree (10:15)
  • How Timothy was able to gain experience working on an engineering project while he was still in college (15:24)
  • How to break into interning for a startup and Timothy’s experience doing so (18:50)
  • What Timothy’s experience was like having to pivot from a design intern to a development intern mid-internship (23:55)


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