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Dr. Arthur Brooks is an impressive guy. He is a NYT’s bestselling author, a social scientist, and the president of the American Enterprise Institute*, a non-partisan public policy think tank in Washington, D.C where Arthur works with top scholars, policymakers, and elected officials to fight for for all Americans’ access to free enterprise and earned success. He’s also a guru on how to build a happy work-life balance. Aruthur’s path to the nation’s capital was anything but typical. At 19, he left college to play the French horn professionally. He toured internationally and recorded several albums, eventually landing in the City Orchestra of Barcelona.  In his late 20s, Arthur returned to the US and completed his bachelor’s degree by correspondence at Thomas Edison State College majoring in Economics. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in public policy, focusing on microeconomics and mathematical modeling. After completing his doctorate, he spent 10 years as a professor of public administration. Described by NBC News as “the Republican Party’s poverty guru,” Arthur has helped make poor and vulnerable Americans a key focus for AEI and for the conservative movement. 

*Dr. Books steps down from his position as president of AEI in June 2019.


  • Why are some people always happy and you’re not (Hint: 50% of the time it’s genetic!)
  • What the secret formula is to building a happy life. (Hint: There are 3 F’s + meaningful work)
  • Why it will take you 18 months to know if your job is the right fit for you
  • How to figure out what job will make you happiest
  • Why the best thing that can happen to you when you play the lottery — is that you LOSE
  • How male Java Junkies (18-28 year olds) can prevent themselves from falling into the trap of many 60-year old men who are often the unhappiest in society, according to research.

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