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Samantha Kubek is a coordinating attorney with the Veteran’s Initiative within the New York Legal Assistance Group’s Legal Health Division. She works with survivors of sexual trauma, specifically focused on helping female veterans who’ve experienced Military Sexual Trauma or MST. She graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in political science and government,  and a minor in English. She then got her law degree from the New York University School of Law. Prior to starting at the New York Legal Assistance Group, she worked as a legal intern for multiple organizations including Her Justice and the ACLU.


  • How Samantha got into her current line of work (5:31)
  • Why you should try out everything ahead of time years before you start looking for a job (16:32)
  • How Samantha came to found the first clinics in the nation dedicated to supporting women veterans (22:05)
  • What services are available for men who’ve experienced sexual trauma (34:15)
  • How to manage personal triggers while working with sexual trauma clients (42:10)
  • Why it’s OK to make mistakes, and how Samantha learned that lesson (50:24)

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